[referring to Janis Ian, a hero of mine for many reasons, Kate said]

<<I agree, she is really great. I saw her last summer at a festival here...she
played solo & had some great effects on her acoustic guitar...great show...I
also love her monthly column in Performing Songwriter...its my favorite part
of the mag...a brilliant & funny writer!>>

Kate --

I didn't know she had a column -- for that matter, I wasn't aware of this 
magazine -- I'll try to find it, maybe even subscribe.  I first fell in love 
with Janis's songwriting even before her big breakthrough "At Seventeen" 
(remember "Jesse", "Stars" and all of those songs -- not quite as good -- 
written when she *was* a teen?).  "At Seventeen" is one of the most amazing 
lyrics ever written:

"I learned the truth at seventeen
that love was meant for beauty queens
and [something] with clear-skinned smiles
who married young and then retired...

And those of us with ravaged faces
lacking in the social graces
desperately remained at home
inventing lovers on the phone
who called to say, come dance with me
and murmered vague obscenities
It isn't all it seems
at seventeen...

[memory gap]

...with debentures of quality
and dubious integrity;
their small-town eyes will gape at you
in dull surprise when payment due
exceeds accounts received at seventeen..."

*Any* lines at random from this song are as brilliant and poignant as these.  
The feelings this song inspired in me and every other geek of either sex, 
when it came out in '75 (I think), are hard to describe -- my god, there's 
someone who not only knows how I felt at that age (I was 19 when the song 
came out), but who puts it so eloquently, and makes a hit of it -- what 

How appropriate that Janis would be a columnist for a songwriting magazine!

My favorite Janis Ian anecdote:

The one and only time I ever watched Howard Stern's usually execreble 
syndicated show was when Janis Ian was on, shortly after she'd officially 
come out.  How was *this* going to go?  To my complete shock, he was almost 
courtly to her -- barely lingering on the lesbian thing, which is one of his 
schticks -- and when she sang "At Seventeen", he was clearly moved!!  It 
occurred to me only then that *Stern* had, of course, been a geek in high 
school, too.



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