Hi Everyone
Way behind in e-mail  and these digests because I just
moved, and everything I own is in boxes.

I notices some mention of Culver City and decided to
add a bit:
Haven't been to Culver City myself, but my partner's
dad is a city planner there.
More interesting is the Museum of Jurasic Technology,
which is one of the most original and fascinating
places I've ever heard of (has anyone been there?)

> I know nothing about Culver City -only that it is in
LA and that is 
my ex
> came from. So what is it? is it gang infested or

Culver City was originally a typically sleepy SoCal
town that grew around the former (now Sony) MGM
studios and Howard 
Aircraft Company.  Judy Garland grew up there as a
child and I think 
Monroe, also.  It's not particularly glamourous or
interesting compared 
say, Beverly Hills or Hollywood or Malibu, but it has
become a bit more
upscale in recent years because land is so tight in
the city and it 
close proximity to a lot of the LA business (Sony
Entertainment) and
recreation (the beach and Marina) hubs.
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