>   Arafat should tell his people

There was an Isaraeli terrorism campaign against the British which led to the
founding of Israel.

> Their leader wants Israel annihilated!!  Wiped from the face of the earth!
> They will not recognize Israel as a sovereign state.

not surprising at all when you know how Israel came to be.


>  BUT what Israel will not tolerate are
> these suicide bombers, thus the murdering of their innocents.

The killing of Palestinians women and children and men doesn't matter?

> >The reason for all the wars and disputes in the world is one group of
> >people
> >insisting that their view is the only correct one and forcing said view on
> >others
> I don't believe it in this case,I really don't.  Israel is the one lone
> democracy in this region.....and all their neighbors hate them.

For the reasons stated above.

> I feel
> Israel is special and this may sound corny, but to me they are the "good
> guys" who have been so maligned throughout history.

No not the Israeli's, but Jews. And this is part of the problem-collective guilt
over the the Holocast has led people to allow this situation to arise.

You are possible right about this ending up in deep shit for everyone. It is
biund to happen one day. Juts the other day, pakistan was saying it would nuke
India if it felt the need. Bush said the same about using nukes in te Mid Eats
if necessary.
They will probably get used. If they do, I just hope I go in the first blast.
Rather be gone in seconds than lingerto die of starvation or radiation
sickness.(i did 't undrstadn what radiation sickeness was-it is casued by the
nucleus of our body cells being destroyed thus killing us slowly from the
inside. What a brilliantly clever invention.)

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