Mack wrote:
Not being a big fan of the Arab world myself, I
> still don't think the Israelis are blameless.  They are just as
> for the fighting as the Arabs.  From where I am sitting, they make
> no effort to give in at all.  It takes two to fight and they are willing
> keep throwing punches themselves>

Colin wrote:

>This mail is an excellent demonstration as to what causes the troubles in
> first place. Seeing things as 'it's all their fault'.
> Simple, unintelligent, black/white thinking, no shades of grey, is just
what is
> behind this evil.
> Forunately not all Israeli's or Jews think this  way just as not all
> Palestinians are evil people determined to destroy Israel.

Dear Mack and Colin,

Could you please point out 1 sign from the Palestinian LEADERSHIP that would
indicate they're willing to settle for anything but everything?

I think the Israelis have proven by returning land to Egypt that they want
peace even if it entails big concessions.  All Israeli offers to the
Palestinians have been turned down, unless I'm missing something here.
The fact that there are moderate intelligent people among Palestinians is
really obvious.  Maybe even the majority of the people.  What you don't see
on TV is the TERROR that the Palestinian leaders have been imposing on their
own people from the start to make sure those moderates are shut down.
The teaching of hate (see my next post) adds fuel to the fire so there are
fewer and fewer moderates among the younger generations.

I don't hate the Palestinian people, I sincerely pity them because they are
the victims of an international chess game in which they're the peons.  As I
said before, they're the only group of displaced persons in the 20th century
that hasn't been relocated and integrated.
Let me remind you that in 1970's "black September" King Hussein killed and
expelled the PLO from Jordan so he wouldn't be overthrown by an armed
terrorist organization.  So the PLO went to Lebanon, the former "Switzerland
of the arab world".  What did they do over there?
They ransacked the country and took it over with gun fire and blood.
That's the way things happened with their own Arab "brothers".  Now they
want the world to believe they are peaceful neighbours and Israel should let
a Palestinian state army live a few miles from its major cities?
If you believe that maybe I can get you interested in buying the Eiffel
Tower or a bridge, what do you say?

So, I really must insist that you show me 1 sign in the past 50 years that
the Palestinian official leadership don't want to wipe Israel from the map,
(as Bree pointed out).
Not words, but 1 single fact please. I'm not being facetious, I'd love for
such an opening to exist.  Until then, it's about survival, end of story.


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