A little long but positively brilliant.

PS: Before you comment, make sure to visit the Palestinian slide show
referred to in yesterday's post.


> on How to Be an Arafat Apologist
> FrontPageMagazine.com | April 11, 2002
> By: Jamie Glazov
> confirmed, beyond any reasonable doubt, Arafat's
> terrorist connections and duplicitous behavior
> vis-`-vis Israel, it has become impossible for
> Arafat's apologists to make any legitimate excuses for
> their hero.  I know a number of academics and writers
> that have become extremely depressed because of this
> situation.  Having based their entire lives and
> professional careers on blaming Israel for any and
> every sparrow that fell from the sky, they have now
> lost the will to live.  I feel sorry for these
> pathetic people.
> I have decided to come forward to help the individuals
> who want to continue championing Yasser Arafat but
> simply don't know how.
> Seeing that I have dedicated most of my adult life to
> observing and dissecting the psychotic mindset that it
> takes to blame Israel for the conflict in Palestine, I
> know exactly what it takes to be an Arafat supporter.
> Even in these difficult times, I can teach an
> individual how to effectively defend Arafat and the
> Palestinian Authority -- even if the entire charade is
> filled with specious nonsense and lies.
> I have created ten tips on how to be an Arafat
> apologist.  They come with an easy to follow
> step-by-step guide.  All you have to do is fertilize
> your personal dedication to anti-Semitism and then
> simply allow yourself to become as delusional as
> humanly possible.
> The video infomercial for these tips should be coming
> out next month on television stations across the
> United States.  Meanwhile, here is the basic outline
> for all those Jew-haters who have dedicated their
> lives to blaming Israel for every Arab terrorist act
> but thought that doing so was no longer possible:
> Tip #1 - Imagine that the Palestinians are fighting
> for a homeland that was taken away from them by the
> evil Jews.
> That's right.  The foundation to becoming and
> remaining a faithful pro-Arafat enthusiast is to
> intoxicate yourself with the belief that the
> Palestinians actually once owned a homeland that was,
> in turn, stolen by the greedy and parasitic Jews.
> While trying to convince yourself of this fantasy,
> ignore the historical fact that the Palestine Mandate
> was never a nation, let alone even a political entity
> of any kind.  It was a "mandate" that was created by
> the British from the remnants of the Turkish Empire
> after World War I.  10% of it was given to the Jews
> and 90% was given to the Palestinian Arabs.
> The key here is that you should never worry about
> where 90% of Palestine actually is.  Just obsess with
> the miniscule tiny bit of land that the Israelis
> "occupy" now.  It's not important that this land was
> never officially "owned" by anyone in the first place.
> You should also never reflect on whether all of your
> rage and hatred on this issue is proportional to the
> fact that Israel consists of 1% of the land in the
> Middle East.
> Just get really angry that Israel is on territory that
> you think should be given to the Palestinians.  And
> because you think this, then it automatically makes it
> right and historically correct.
> You should never wonder how your moral indignation on
> this issue fits with your complete indifference to the
> fact that Jordan occupies 80% of the land that made up
> the original Palestine Mandate.  So if you really
> cared about the Palestinians, you would obviously be
> focusing your energy on protesting the crime being
> perpetrated by the Jordanians against the
> Palestinians.  But the key here is that, well, deep
> down, you don't really care about the Palestinians --
> and neither should you.  You must never admit this,
> but the Palestinians are only there for you to
> cynically exploit as pawns in your contributory effort
> to finish off what Adolph Hitler started.
> That's right.  You know what I'm talking about.  And
> even the Palestinians are in on this with you.  I
> mean, think about it: if the Palestinians themselves
> really cared about getting a homeland, don't you think
> that they would be screaming about -- and fighting for
> -- the land that Jordan occupies?  Don't you think it
> is somewhat curious that Jordan has never, even for a
> second, been the target of a Palestine liberation
> movement?
> Don't you think it is a little bit curious that, in
> 1948, the Palestinian Arabs rejected an international
> resolution that would have established a Palestinian
> state, and instead focused all of their energies on
> destroying the new Jewish state?
> You're starting to get the picture now, right?
> So be a smart and clever Arafat apologist.  The
> overall objective of your life should be facilitating
> the killing of Jews and destroying the state of
> Israel.  The last thing you should be doing is
> worrying about the Palestinians.  At the same time,
> however, in terms of what you actually say in public,
> you must always discuss the Middle East "problem" on
> the assumption that you are agonizing over the
> Palestinians' plight and how their entire "homeland"
> somehow lies in tiny little Israel.
> It is also a very good idea that you always refer to
> the myth of how the Jews "stole" the Palestinian
> "homeland" in passing, because then it makes its
> reality appear to be a given.  You can't believe how
> effective this ploy can be, especially in the midst of
> people who know nothing about Middle East history.
> So believe in yourself and just do it!
> Tip #2 - Never question the cause of Palestinian
> terror.
> Every time that a Palestinian blows himself up along
> with innocent Jewish civilians, including babies in
> carriages, you should shake your head in despair and
> say things like, "That poor Palestinian.  But he
> simply had no choice.  The Israelis have pushed his
> people beyond their means."
> You should always say things like this with a tone
> that implies that the "Israeli occupation" is the most
> oppressive reality in the world.  Say things like,
> "The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what the
> Nazis did to them."  Follow this up with sentences
> like, "The Jews have obviously forced the Palestinians
> into terrorism."
> When you mouth these slogans, make sure to have a
> serious and sincere look on your face, otherwise the
> asininity of what you are saying might become more
> easily discernable.  Maintaining a sober facial
> expression can be made easier if you convince yourself
> that the wars of 1973 and 1967 are irrelevant to the
> subject at hand.
> Before Israel was attacked in 1973, it occupied less
> of the land that is now in dispute, and before 1967,
> it occupied none of it.  In other words, the Arab
> terror that was unleashed against Israel in 1967 had
> nothing to do with the Israeli "occupation" of the
> West Bank and Gaza Strip because the "occupation" did
> not exist.
> From 1949-1967, Jordan had occupied the West Bank
> while Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip.  But instead of
> the Arabs using terror against Egypt and Jordan to get
> them off of the Palestinians' "land,", an Arab war of
> terror against Israel was launched in 1967.  Israel
> won that war and grabbed both the West Bank and Gaza
> Strip as a security measure.
> So why is it, you think, that Jordan's annexation of
> the West Bank and Egypt's annexation of the Gaza Strip
> from 1949-67 didn't trigger any emotions in the
> Palestinians who lived in those territories?  Why is
> it that not once, in all of those 18 years, was there
> even a sentence of indignation uttered by the
> Palestinians or by their "liberation" organization
> about the injustice done to the inhabitants of the
> West Bank and Gaza Strip?  Why did other Arab states
> say nothing about it?
> You know why.  And this means that the terror against
> Israel has always been, and still is, caused by
> something other than Israelis being on any kind of
> "territory."  I'll give you six hints about what the
> real cause is connected to:
> Hint #1: Hitler formulated the Final Solution because
> of it.
> Hint #2: it has something to do with why Israel cannot
> be found on a map in Palestinian geography classes.
> It's also connected to why Palestinian textbooks teach
> Palestinian children that Jews are evil thieves who
> have taken Arab land and who must therefore be killed.
>  The textbooks also tell the kiddies that suicide
> bombing is what Allah loves most, since that noble and
> holy activity is the most effective way of murdering
> Jews and "liberating" Palestine.
> Hint #3: it's why the Palestinian Authority has
> published the Arabic translation of Mein Kampf, and
> why that tract has reached number six on its
> best-seller list.
> Hint #4: It is connected to why, in 1960, when the
> Israelis captured Adolph Eichmann, the government-run
> Saudi Arabian newspaper ran a story headlined: "Arrest
> Of Eichmann, Who Had The Honor Of Killing Six Million
> Jews."
> Hint #5: it has something to do with the great honor
> and respect that is bestowed in the Middle East upon
> anyone who succeeds in killing Jews.  For instance, if
> you blow yourself up along with some innocent Jewish
> mothers and babies, your picture will be plastered on
> posters throughout your hometown.  Your family will
> acquire a revered place in society and will also
> receive $25,000 in American currency from Saddam
> Hussein.  You, meanwhile, will get to fulfill all of
> your wildest and repressed sexual fantasies with 72
> virgins in heaven.
> Hint #6: the whole matter is related to why Hashemi
> Rafsanjani, the eminent representative of "Iranian
> moderation," has boasted that once the Muslim world
> gets a hold of nuclear weapons, which he assures will
> be very soon, the Jewish "question" will be solved
> forever.
> Now that you know what the real cause of Palestinian
> terror is, make sure to always deny it.  Instead,
> consistently maintain to others that it is the result
> of Israelis being on "Palestinian territory."
> Tip #3 - Ignore the words of Palestinians.
> When you make your arguments for the Palestinian right
> to a homeland, always make sure to emphasize that the
> Palestinians acknowledge the right of Israel to exist.
>  To make sure this works effectively, never mention,
> or ever even think about, what the Palestinians
> actually say themselves.
> For instance, never talk about the Palestinian
> Covenant of 1968, because it embodies the
> philosophical principles of the Palestinians
> themselves and says things that would shatter the
> foundation to all of your arguments.  For instance,
> Article 19 affirms that, "The partition of Palestine
> in 1947 and the establishment of Israel is
> fundamentally null and void, whatever time has
> elapsed, because it is contrary to the wish of the
> people of Palestine and its natural right to its
> homeland."
> Article 15 states that, "The liberation of Palestine,
> from the Arab viewpoint, is a national duty to repulse
> the Zionist, Imperialist invasion from the great Arab
> homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from
> Palestine."
> Also ignore Articles 20 and 22, because they reject
> even the historical and religious ties of Jews to the
> Holy Land itself.  And that is precisely why
> Palestinian children are yet to find the state of
> Israel on any maps in their geography classes.
> You also shouldn't worry that Arafat has never
> repudiated the Articles in the Palestinian Covenant of
> 1968.  This explains why, when speaking English to
> Western audiences, he always talks about how he
> acknowledges the right of Israel to exist.  But when
> he speaks Arabic to Arab audiences, he does little
> else but boast about his successes in working toward
> the Palestinians' most ambitious goal: to destroy the
> state of Israel.  One only has to briefly listen to
> the Arab media, mosque sermons, and classroom and cafe
> conversations to gauge that this disposition
> represents a wide consensus in Arab society in general
> and in Palestinian society in particular.
> Thus, when you are trying to persuade someone about
> the good intentions of Arafat and the Palestinian
> Authority, and how they accept the existence of
> Israel, never mention what the Palestinians themselves
> talk about.  You should most definitely stay away from
> the subject of the 1968 Palestinian Covenant, because
> this could cause you problems.  If someone else brings
> it up, change topics immediately.
> Tip #4 - Imagine that Palestinians were, and are
> better off without Israel and the Israeli
> "occupation."
> You should be constantly angry about the suffering of
> Palestinians and be convinced that it is the fault of
> Israel.  Palestinian suffering should always be
> equated with Israeli responsibility.  These two
> notions must be inseparable in your mind.
> Palestinian suffering is definitely not the fault of
> Arafat or of all the Arab states - even though they
> have done everything in their power to make sure that
> the Palestinians do not receive a homeland.
> That's right.  So try not to reflect too much on why
> the Palestinians of the West Bank are barred from
> becoming citizens in the Arab world.  When the Gaza
> Strip was under Egyptian administration, for instance,
> the Palestinians there were denied Egyptian
> citizenship and thereby remained stateless.  This is
> exactly why the Palestinians are known as "refugees."
> The Arabs love their Palestinian brothers.  It's just
> that, well, they love them from a distance.
> In any case, you should try your hardest to convince
> yourself that the Palestinians' life under the Israeli
> "occupation" is the worst experience of any people
> under any regime in the history of the human race.
> The first step to believing this notion is to ignore
> the fact that Palestinians are much worse off in
> occupied Lebanon, where they are denied basic rights
> to employment, healthcare and government services --
> unlike the Palestinians in Israel and in the
> "occupied" territories.
> You should also avoid the subject of how Kuwait
> ethnically cleansed all Palestinians (about 300,000 of
> them) just a decade ago, and how Jordanians
> slaughtered thousands of them after the 1967 war.
> Try to imagine that all of this isn't very relevant.
> And neither is the fact that the world community never
> said too much about these Arab atrocities.  It's okay
> when Muslim Arabs practice genocide against
> Palestinians.  It's only wrong when the Israelis
> oppress Palestinians in the effort to defend
> themselves from terror.
> You also shouldn't stress yourself about the racism
> against Arabs that this whole double standard implies.
>  Indeed, by holding Jews up to a higher moral
> accountability than Arabs, the view that lets Arabs
> off the hook for oppressing their own brethren implies
> a civilizational inferiority to them -- and a
> civilizational superiority to Jews.  But don't think
> through this too much.  You might get depressed after
> realizing that, deep down, just like a Leftist
> despises the "underclass" people for whom he purports
> to speak, so too you have smug contempt for the Arabs
> that you believe you represent in your self-alienated
> imagination.
> The key, in general, is that you should just avoid the
> whole issue of how the Jews have treated the
> Palestinians much better than the Arabs have.
> It is also a very good idea for you to ignore the fact
> that Israel has given birth to an Arab citizenry
> inside Israel of more than one million people.  This
> way you won't have to wonder how it is that, as
> Israeli citizens, Arabs have more rights, privileges
> and opportunities than the citizens of any Arab state
> in the Middle East.  Unlike their Arab brothers and
> sisters, Arab citizens in Israel vote in free
> elections and are themselves elected to the Israeli
> parliament.  In other words, the only place where
> Arabs know democracy and a high standard of living is
> in a Jewish nation.
> This is a hard pill to swallow for a person like you,
> who aspires to demonize Israel and to glorify the Arab
> world as the embodiment of true democracy and
> stupendous progress in world civilization.
> So what you have to do is visualize images of how
> Israel is the most evil nation on the face of the
> earth and how Arabs and Palestinians have endured
> unspeakable suffering because of it.
> Tip #5 - Imagine that Israel controls the "occupied"
> territories for some bizarre, vague and sinister
> reason.
> That's right: imagine that Israel controls the
> "occupied" territories because Jews have nothing
> better to do than to inflict pain.  They think it's in
> their interest to trigger terrorism against
> themselves, as well as to ignite the hatred of a large
> portion of the world's population.
> With great moral indignation, you should say things
> like, "the Israelis need to get out of the occupied
> territories."  Say this as if it is a really easy,
> simple and safe thing for the Israelis to do.
> Never consider that the Israeli "occupation" of the
> territories in question might actually not be the
> greatest crime in world history.  It might also not
> deserve immediate rectification.  Sometimes land is
> confiscated when aggressive and terrorist states
> repeatedly attack their neighbors -- and lose.
> But this should not be your concern.
> What should be your concern is to say things that make
> Israel look as if it controls areas like the West Bank
> because Israelis need to fill the void of no longer
> being allowed to sacrifice and eat gentile babies in
> their religious rituals.
> Tip #6 - Say that Arafat isn't a terrorist.
> You should always say things like: "One man's
> terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter."  After
> that, say things like, "Arafat is a freedom-fighter."
> You must always ignore that Arafat has provided
> sanctuary and support to Palestinian suicide bombers
> and terrorists of all stripes.  Be very open-minded
> about how he has personally endorsed suicide bombings
> rhetorically and celebrated the cult of "martyrdom"
> and other forms of homicide.
> And always make sure to announce things like, "Arafat
> has imprisoned militants."  When you say this, don't
> worry that the Palestinian "jails" that Arafat places
> "militants" in are notorious for their bars in the
> front and revolving doors at the back.  Just tell
> people that Arafat is really trying to get terrorism
> under control.
> Don't lose any sleep over the fact that explosives of
> the specific type used by Palestinian suicide bombers
> have been found in Palestinian police stations all
> over the "occupied" territories.  Also don't concern
> yourself with the fact that 500 Palestinians were just
> recently arrested in and around Arafat's compound and
> that dozens of them were on Israel's lists of
> most-wanted terrorists.  Arafat was obviously still
> trying his best to track these people down.  The
> reason he couldn't find them was that they were
> cleverly hiding in his office while he was desperately
> patrolling the West Bank looking for them.
> And by all means, deny to others, as well as to
> yourself, that connections between the Palestinian
> Authority and international Islamic terror
> organizations, including al-Qaeda, have now been
> established beyond any reasonable doubt.  If you
> accept this reality, then your whole belief system
> will come crashing down.
> Just look really sure of yourself and say things like,
> "Arafat isn't a terrorist.  He is a freedom fighter."
> Tip #7 - Imagine that Arafat has the interests of his
> own people in mind.
> This is the key to being an effective apologist for
> Arafat.  You must always tell people that your hero
> truly cares about his own people -- even though the
> history of his every move negates the possibility of
> this being the case.
> A person that truly wanted the best for the
> Palestinian people would have embraced an offer that
> accepted 95% of the Palestinians' negotiating demands
> and would have given the Palestinians their own
> sovereign state in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip,
> more than 90 percent of the West Bank, and a capital
> in Jerusalem.  That's what Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
> Barak offered Arafat in 2000.  But Arafat rejected the
> proposal, demanding, instead, the flooding of Israel
> with millions of Palestinians.  He knew, as Israelis
> did, that such a development would destroy Israel as a
> Jewish state.
> Arafat shrewdly understood that Israel could not, and
> would not, engage in self-destruction and this is how
> he succeeded in his main objective: to avoid the
> creation of a new Arab state and to annihilate the
> only Jewish one.  That's what the "Palestinian
> uprising," after all, is really all about.
> It is obvious, therefore, why Arafat has consistently
> stifled all Israeli efforts to improve the prosperity
> of the Palestinian people.  He wants his people to
> bleed in misery and destitution.  That way their
> suffering can be exploited in the Arabs' suicide wars
> against Israel.
> Now the key for you, therefore, is to deny the
> obvious.
> You know that the "Palestinian problem" is far more
> useful to Arafat than its solution will ever be.
> Arafat knows that peace with Jews is his own political
> suicide at best -- and his own death warrant at worst.
> What you have to do is look people in the eyes as
> honestly as you can and say things like, "Arafat is
> really trying to help his people."  Say this as if you
> yourself have been talking to Arafat and that he tells
> you things that he wouldn't confide in most people.
> Tip #8 - Say that Arab terrorism has nothing to do
> with jealousy.
> It is absolutely crucial that you consistently tell
> anyone you talk to that Israel is vehemently hated by
> the Arabs because of something that Israel has done to
> the Arabs.
> Never consider what the Arabs of the Middle East would
> do with all of their time if there were no Israel.
> Never suspect that Middle Eastern Arabs spend such an
> inordinate amount of their daily life hating a nation
> that takes up 1% of land in the Middle East because
> they might have a little problem with envy and
> jealousy.
> It might not be the easiest thing for Arabs to
> reconcile themselves with the reality that their
> culture has yet to produce one prosperous, functional
> and democratic society.  Yet they see that the Jews
> have accomplished exactly that - in a tiny piece of
> land that was a desert fifty years ago.  Indeed, the
> Jews have built the most powerful economy and the only
> industrial and democratic nation in the entire Middle
> East.
> This is a very painful truth for Middle Eastern Arabs
> to accept.  So as an Arafat apologist, your job is to
> completely ignore this phenomenon.  You must fantasize
> that when Arabs jump up and down with ferocious rage
> for hours on end every day screaming "Death to
> Israel," that the solution to their rage is definitely
> not to get a job, let alone a life of any kind.  The
> solution lies in the Jews smartening up and stopping
> being so evil.  If they did that, then obviously Arabs
> would find better things to do then spend ten hours a
> day, seven days a week, hollering at the top of their
> lungs and foaming at their mouths in the middle of the
> barren deserts that they have lived in for centuries.
> You see: Arabs don't fail in making progress because
> of any serious pathology in their personal lives and
> culture.  No, they mope around in long robes and
> headscarves in medieval societies because of what the
> Jews are doing to the Palestinians.  And yes, ok,
> these same Arabs never lifted a finger or mouthed a
> word of protest when the Palestinians received much
> harsher treatment from Arabs.  But don't think this
> through.  Actually, if anyone ever points this out to
> you, just say that the Arabs did protest the
> persecution of the Palestinians by other Arabs but
> that the Western press just didn't report it.
> Tip #9 - Say it's in Israel's interest to pursue
> "peace".
> You should constantly say that it is in Israel's
> interest to pursue "peace," even though all of the
> evidence suggests the exact opposite.  More Israelis
> have died from terrorism since the signing of Oslo in
> 1993 than in the four decades before it.  There have
> been more than 80 suicide bombings against Israel
> since the "peace process" began.  Before Oslo, suicide
> bombings were almost non-existent.  Each new atrocity
> against Israelis since 1993, meanwhile, has been
> hailed by the Palestinian media and the Palestinian
> Authority that controls it.
> You should ignore facts such as these and make it a
> daily habit to say things like, "The Israelis should
> really try to make peace with Arafat.  It's in their
> interest."
> Tip #10 - Shed yourself of any integrity you might
> have ever had.
> In order for you to practice the previous nine tips
> successfully, you need to make sure that you rid
> yourself of any personal dignity or integrity that
> might ever have been a part of your character and
> personality.  You have to be absolutely shameless and
> live by absolutely no ethical or moral standard of any
> kind.  Otherwise you will not be able to lie to
> others, and to yourself, the way I instruct you to.
> Arafat supporters have done it effectively before you.
>  But now you can do it the best.  Be the best liar you
> can be.  That way, you might yet become the best
> Arafat apologist on earth.  You can do it!
> Jamie Glazov holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty
> in Soviet Studies.

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