<<Which would mean, she's either
doing this to free herself to find a better recording deal... or to
finally, finally bring the recording thing to an end.>>

Hi John! While this thought has also occured to me, if this is the case it's 
a very expensive route. Hiring an orchestra and making the kinds of 
recordings she's doing ain't cheap, plus she's done some extensive packaging 
presentations as well. 

I'm inclined to believe that she WANTS the muse to revisit (I pray this is 
true), and she's just exercising her right to do some projects she's always 
dreamed of. It also occured to me that she's probably trying to put out 
records that Myrtle will like. There seems to still be a lot of desire on 
Joni's part to gain her Mom's respect for her work.


NP: George Hamilton IV, "The Circle Game"

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