I think the point Blair was making was that Joni didn't have her heart in TTT, and so 
she played very little from it.  And that IS interesting, because Joni has certainly 
been known for performing what she wants when she wants, regardless of time 
constraints or the crowd yelling out requests.

There's no doubt that she's fabulous in concert, regardless of what she chooses to 

Mike wrote:

> Interesting you should say this. I went with a friend with only a passing 
> acquaintance with Joni and he thought she was incredible. It was my first 
> time seeing her in concert too, and I was blown away. Ben especially liked 
> "Amelia" (always a favorite song of mine).

Blair wrote:

> Also good to point out about Joni not having her heart in the music 
> may show in the performances she gave that year with Bob. I recall the 
> album had just come out two months prior and the only new song she 
> performed was "the Crazy Cries of Love" and i was hoping to hear "Harlem 
> in Havana" and or "Man from Mars" live at the time. Good point to look 
> at. The other thing to consider is that she had an alotted time to 
> perform and wanted to keep it familiar?


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