> I won't say that TTT is my least favourite album, but I also found it kind
> underwhelming.  There are some great songs - Stay in Touch, Harlem In
> Lead Balloon ;o)!  I never liked Man From Mars since I found out it was
about a
> cat, and the title song is just silly (kitty, kitty.....).

 I listened to TTT last night as well.  Taming the Tiger *is* one of my
favorites.  I love this record.  Love the words, love the music, love the
sound of it.  I don't think it's 'half-assed' in any way at all.  Joni has
never released a 'half-assed' record as far as I'm concerned.
> I think it's just that it all sounds so much the same throughout.

Nobody ever says this about 'Hejira' or 'Clouds' or any record that Joni
played acoustic guitar on.  Why?

Inquiring TTT fans want to know.

Mark E in SeattleI

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