Bob wrote:

> I think too that she was sticking to songs she has played a lot live; this
tour was put together late in >the game & there was not a lot of rehearsal
time. And Joni would not want to perform >underrehearsed, I don't think. As
the tour progressed, she was able to add some numbers (DJRD, >Song For
Sharon, BSN).

Recall that she was asked to join the first west coast tour at the eleventh
hour when Van Morrison was waffling about joining Dylan on the tour.
Dylan/his people thought Van was going to bail and so they needed someone
else big to replace him because the venue contracts had been arranged, etc.
Then, as soon as Joni agreed, Van suddenly wanted back in so they did the
"threefer."  I was surprised that Joni pulled together the songs she did
from TTT on such short notice, althought I would have also liked to hear
some of the others from that album, especially Lead Balloon! ;-)  Also,
remember that Joni became very ill after the first date in Vancouver, and I
think that affected her energy level a bit.

This is hearsay but someone told me that TTT did not turn out the way Joni
had hoped as far as the sound of it.  She had really been hoping for a lush
and fuller orchestral sense in each song and she/whoever misgauged how
effectively the VG-8 would provide that sense.  Might we why the next time
she she decided to go with an actual orchestra.


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