>Nobody ever says this about 'Hejira' or 'Clouds' or any record that Joni
>played acoustic guitar on.  Why?
>Inquiring TTT fans want to know.
>Mark E in SeattleI

For me its because most of the tracks sound like variations of the same song.  I 
noticed that when Joni started playing live again on talk shows, etc., she played a 
variety of songs from different periods that all were in the same key (is this the 
right word, I'm extrememly non musical).  Harry's House sounded like Facelift which 
sounded like someting else, etc. etc.  She played them together because it was easier 
than switching gears completely.

TTT was like a whole album of these, but new material.  I, too, was only "whelmed" by 
TTT.  Some standouts though..."Love Puts On A New Face" is one of my all- time Joni 


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