Last night, Brian and I were talking and he asked me to read him some
poetry...and when I asked him what he would like to hear, he said, read
me some Joni, get out her Lyrics book and just read. I love to read out
loud, something I have enjoyed doing for most of my life and will leap
at the chance. This was so special, this Joni moment about to happen. 

Brian gave me the choice of what to read, so I opened the book and
stopped right there at that perfect place so filled with meaning. I
told him I would read the pair, and he knew exactly what was coming
next. Into that silence, the chilled Saturday night air was filled with
such warmth as I began to touch fingertips with Marcie. 

By reading from the Poems and Lyrics book, something was happening.
Some altered state. I soon discovered why. There lay the bare bone photos, no credits, no music, no voices, only my own.
Nothing stood between Brian and I in that moment ... and the words
flowed so a beautiful bedtime story from a long and
distant past, giving us both such comfort. 

We were taken down to a level of her words that I've never quite
experienced before. Perhaps it was because I was reading to Brian,
perhaps it is because I'm just the biggest mushball of all, that was an experience I encourage you all to try. Pick up the
book, not an album cover or CD cover...and just hold that book in your
hands and imagine. And read. Read the words out loud. Listen to your
voice. Imagine that fine lady of the canyon sitting in a quiet place at
home perhaps, writing those words down. Perhaps with Graham in the next
room. He was certainly in her heart. You can feel it in her words. For
certain, I could feel her hands on the paper. I saw the ink she chose.
I felt the lump in her throat and the heaviness in her heart at times. 

Choose your favourite song if you wish, or better yet, choose one you
don't know much about. I swear it was one of the most moving
experiences. I couldn't make it through Marcie without crying. And then
to read Nathan LaFraneer, it was too much. 

I moved on to the DawnTreader, a song I love so well. I remembered the
time I visited Catherine at her home in Toronto and that was one of the
songs we sang together.  A beautiful memory began as our voices swirled
around her livingroom, with her children listening nearby.

Brian and I talked about why these songs are so meaningful to us,
histories revealed, shared, understood. I looked through my book and
began to read other words laid down upon the pages by the special
people on this list that I have had the privilege to meet in person at
the past two Joni Fests. My Poems and Lyrics book is also my autograph
book, my signifier of the wonderful, special friendships I am honoured
to be a part of. To those whose words grace my book, I thank you from
the bottom of my heart for there are no words which could truly express
how it feels to know you and how much your words mean to me. I am so
lucky and blessed beyond all my imaginings. It is my hope to continue
to collect even more words from you. 

I just wanted to say a special thanks to Les for making this possible.
We are forever grateful, from the bottom of our hearts. 

love, MagsnBrei

It's been a long, long road.

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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