Erica wrote: 
> I've noticed that when a new jmdl brings up an interest in
> discussing a lyric or 2, often people respond with "we've
> beaten this one to death", "This is an old subject", or "go
> to and look up our discussion in the archives".

I guess that does still happen sometimes, Erica, although the occurrences seem to have 
dwindled quite a bit since the departure of one of our grouchier members.  : )   
Personally, I don't think being pointed to the Archives is a nice thing to tell 
someone, because it robs the new person (and everyone else) of a chance for 
discussion!  (This is the Joni Mitchell DISCUSSION List, after all!)

> Basically all of the veterans have analyzed all of the lyrics
> so the little greens are out of luck.

There's are at least as many ways of analyzing Joni's lyrics as there are members on 
this list, so please contribute your thoughts!  It's all the different opinions that 
spark the best discussions here!

> I thought my membership on the page was going to be
> deleted when I dared bring up "your notches, liberation
> doll" eeeeekkkkkk!!!!! ooooowwwwweeeeeee!!!!.

I like that thread and am always glad to see it surface.  And you know, there may be 
more ...

> So basically I am just asking to throw us a bone
> sometimes....just some words of wisdom every now and
> then.

Make no bones about it, Erica ... your comments are always welcome here!

in MD

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