ahh, & this will always remain a fest highlight for me...watching the
post-in-progress...as these were my last moments spent at ashara's as we
were getting ready to walk out the door (btw...not drunk), i do recall lmao
& even ashara who had been rousted out of bed for probably the 18th time
that night was lhao, tho pleading with you for restraint...

>>As Alison says, friends don't let friends post drunk. I will always be
grateful that she was there in Ashara's music room making me edit out some
the more inflammatory stuff I was writing in my report from Jonifest at
at 3 in the morning. I vaguely remember that there were about 30
alcohol-fueled JMDLers egging me on, but Alison, like an angel at my
shoulder, saved me from what the devil on the other shoulder was teling me

Kate Bennett
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