My buddy Smurphy writes:

> I just can't get used to the fact that so many celebrities I've 
> admired over the years are no longer young -- and nothing can be done

It's better than the alternative.  I wish I could have seen Jimi, Janis, Jim 
Morrison,........ perform even if it was commercial.  

We have some older celebs performing here in Ft. Myers that I never had a 
chance to see. Jethro Tull (with Ian Anderson and Martin Barre) They'll be at 
a small venue singing songs from their just released CD "Living WITH the 
Past".  Jackson Browne will be here in 2 weeks.  Styx is playing tonight. 
Heart will be here in July. Chicago is playing the end of May(although I've 
seen them twice), and George "Bad to the Bone" Thorogood was just here.  

So hopefully I'll get to catch some of these concerts!

<<And what the hell am I supposed to do if I turn on the TV one day and see 
Joni doing one of those ads for the greatest hits of the 50s, 60s and 70s 
while "Songs to Aging Children" plays in the background>>

I once said a couple of years ago, Joni will be singing "Propecia Plains" :~D

As for your post Mr. Murphy, it cracked me up.  Thanks for the laughs!


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