I thought Murph had the right idea, Keith Richards for Depends, it's
perfect!!  But will he be cognizant enough to wear them.....?  db

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Denny Giovanetti
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: patti labelle & aging children

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:

>So I got to thinking -- and worrying -- what's next? Carly Simon for
>Polident? Graham Nash for Just for Men? Keith Richards for Depends? James
>Taylor for Rogaine? Linda Ronstadt for Metamucil? Gracie Slick for the
>Clapper? David Crosby for Carter's Little Liver Pills?

Up way too early, saw this post and laughed my ass off! (Can we say "ass" on
this list?)

>And what the hell am I supposed to do if I turn on the TV one day and see
>Joni doing one of those ads for the greatest hits of the 50s, 60s and 70s
>while "Songs to Aging Children" plays in the background?

I remember when the Stones did the $12mil. deal w/Microsoft for "Start me
up," and Keith gave one of his "Arrgg, we're pirates!" responses.  Yeah, but
still. . .Maybe what it comes down to is the "no such thing as bad
publicity" maxim--w/celeb. endorsements an extension of that.  (Considering
Dole's endorsements, what's the future hold for other politicians?)

On the bright side: Perhaps Pfizer will come up with a pill to counter
"Charisma Bypass Syndrome," with a _retired_ John Ashcroft as the

More Coffee!

"The American public wants tragedy with a happy ending."
     --Wm. Dean Howells

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