A year or so ago I asked on this list if anyone knew the writer/singer of the
version of this song I heard on Gideon's Crossing.  It was interesting to hear
who people thought it might be, even without having heard it.  And I checked
out many versions online, back when Napster was still running, I think.  Eva
Cassidy's version was one I enjoyed hearing.

But none of them captured the essence of what I heard in the version on tv.
And since then, in the last month and a half, it has been on Providence and
just the other night on ER, Dr. Greene's farewell (Anthony Edwards).  And
obviously the writers/directors and creative control people of these three
dramas feel as I do... it is an extraordinarily gifted version of this
timeless classic.

I was so taken by its charisma and haunting melody that I didn't even realize
it was in Hawaiian style, ukulele and all.  I finally found the guy's name on
NBC programming FAQ's and ordered it online the same night.  His name is
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.  (Don't ask me to pronounce it!)

On the CD, he actually combines Somewhere ... with What a Wonderful World...
although I'm not so sure the two go together that well... they do and they
don't, if you know what I mean.  The segment used on the three dramas cut out
before the song reaches that part.  Thematically they go marvelously
together... and musically not such a stretch either, but it's kind of like
Chinese Cafe... you either love it or you hate it.

Of course, I'm somewhere inbetween.

Just thought people might like to know about this kind of stuff.  Any
reactions?  I love the power of the perfect song at the end of a
heart-wrenching episode or movie.  There was a scene on Once and Again, when
the stepkids' mother is learning to walk again that was very powerful, but I
don't remember the song.  Many shows use this technique pretty well these
days, including Allie McBeal.  And a new show called American Embassy, on
hiatus right now.


alan in iowa city

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