----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: through the wall (njc)

> <<I think she is speaking from some deep hurt that
> apparently she cannot transcend.  Don't mean to psychoanalyze her - just my 2 cents. 
> I don't think you're psychoanalyzing at all, Kakki...it's difficult, probably 
>impossible, to care about an artist's work and not care about the artist as well, 
>particularly when she has "sondtracked" so many life experiences for a lot of us. I 
>feel like we all like to revel in her victories and are sympathetic in her sorrows. 
>And I think (like Lama so poignantly described) that her relationship with her 
>daughter and her mother has been such a powerful driver for her all along, I think a 
>lot of what factors into her bitterness is the conflicted relationship with Kilauren.
> Bob
> NP: Tom Waits, "More Than Rain"

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