
I agree she has been quite repetitive with this for a number of years now.
She even started in on it when I spoke with her last September, but mostly
to say how no one wants to hear her anymore.  I've heard from another friend
who has spoken a bit with her recently and she went on and on along the same
subjects with him.  I started thinking that this may be less about arrogance
and uppityness and more about maybe a real self-esteem problem and some kind
of inexplicable (to us at least) insecurity on her part.  It makes me feel a
little sad for her.  I think she is speaking from some deep hurt that
apparently she cannot transcend.  Don't mean to psychoanalyze her - just my
2 cents.  Kakki

> Then there's Joni with the economy-sized chip on her shoulder.  This is
> to forget that she can be the most engaging conversationalist around, as
> heard in live recordings, interviews and by those of us lucky enough to
> met her.  Still, she IS always banging on about how there's nobody with
> talent out there, formula junk food for girlie guile, blah blah blah.  I
> she'd stop moaning about the dearth of good songs being written and music
> being made and start listening to [insert name of your fave unsung genius
> here].  It might buck her ideas up a bit - as it is, she's in danger of
> becoming the Norma Desmond of the popular song.

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