Randy Remote wrote:

> Sybil Skelton wrote:
> > I remember seeing Rufus the first time on the tribute to John Lennon that
> > was on TV last fall.  My reaction was the same as Kate's - WOW.  I could
> > almost hear people in their living rooms across America turning to each
> > other and saying "Who is THAT?"
> I guess I'm not one of them! I've seen him on a few shows including
> the John Lennon tribute, and...to me he sings off pitch and not very
> well. I thought he was pretty awful. It's all subjective, no?

And common for Rufus. You either love him, or hate him. There is no
in-between. I think he's a stellar talent of his generation and his singing
superb. A friend of mine says he's a mumbler and can't understand a word he
sings. But the same has been thought of Joni. Many say her early voice was
that of a screamer, and that now her voice is shot. I don't agree with either


np: Rufus Wainwright - Over the Rainbow

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