Rick wrote: << Baseball: boring except for the World Series. Basketball: Why don't they just play the last two minutes? Soccer: You're kidding, right? 90+ minutes and the score is 0-0? Football: What's with all that padding? >>
Now cricket on the other hand: a full international lasts 5 days, and at the end of it it is often a draw; rain can wipe out an entire match - and some of the spectators will still turn up every day hoping to see half an hour's play between the downpours. And during rain breaks, if you're listening to the match on the radio, the commentators will just "flannel" for two or three hours, talk about the weather, about a cake that an elderly spinster from Tring sent in, about a letter from a retired Bishop in Chipping Sodbury who has come up with a revolutionary plan for winning the toss - and people will still listen!! What a game is cricket! Azeem in London NP: or rather just finished - Maya Angelou reading from her latest autobiography on Radio 4 - is it just me or does she sound like Cartman from South Park?