>Diapers?  go when you feel the urge??  I'll leave that alone ;-)

I think travel would have been a better word.  :-)

>It's good that you realize that you would not make a good parent, Bree.

Yeah...definitely not cut out for it.  I make a great aunt though!  I take a 
lot of interest in my nieces and nephews...they know that I love them and 
they can come to me anytime.  Recently I bought a new car, so I gave my old 
car to a nephew.  When I say gave, he had to earn it...he had to help 
several weekends in my yard......  do some interior painting.....I think 
earning something helps children realize the value of things better.  
(besides I needed this work done)  ;-)

>There is no doubt about it ... children are work!

Absolutely!!  I'm just glad that I can unload them....give them back when 
I'm finished with them.  Especially the little tyke that cries all night.... 
   But I do love children and will go that extra step!!

>That is if you want them to grow up to be quality individuals.  I'm not 
>how old you are Bree but when I, too, was growing up we were taught to have
>respect for elders.

I'm 46.....but feel younger now then when I was thirty.  I felt old when I 
was thirty.  I think respect is really lacking....I'm thinking of a teacher 
I know.....when she relays some of these stories to me....I'm incredulous.   
They call her names....get up from their seats without asking permission.... 
leave the classroom,she told me she feels like a glorified babysitter.  She 
has to really modify her lessons (dumb-down) because of the short attention 
spans.  She could hardly wait to get out of there and get home...I told her 
it sounds like leaving a battlefield.  But you can not hit little Tommy 
because she would find a big fat lawsuit waiting for her.  I feel sorry for 
her because she can't really teach like she wanted or thought it would be 
like this.

  I guess those elders mainly being family members.  I
>must admit ... there was a certain fear factor that all six of us had of 
>parents.  We definitely had lines we DARED not cross.

Again...absolutely!  There was six of us too!  I don't know how my parents 
did it.....but they did....we all turned out ok.  (except that one sister) 
>My parents didn't try to be my friend either. They were authoritarians.
>They were responsible for the well-being of six children and I must say,
>they did a pretty decent job.  We were never without food, clothing and a
>very nice place to live.  We each received one really nice toy for
>Christmas.  We were taught to make it last 'cause there would be no

Sounds like my childhood....it is amazing.

>I was a single parent for many years.  One daughter.  I am proud of her but
>I see where she becomes trapped in this 'disposable world'.  Any thoughts 
>this influence?

I'm sure you did a wonderful job.....what you wrote tells me this.  And to 
be a single parent, I know added some additional burdens. Yeah..the 
trappings, we are all caught up in this...not just children or young adults.

Disposable world....I do have some thoughts on this....abortion on demand, 
euthanasia, and a myriad of other things.  I think these things have 
devalued...cheapened us and we really don't know the full effect..not for 
years to come.


(who on this date last year was in breast high water....with a poodle on my 
head... in a flash flood... and a car that floated away)

>PS - I have taught college students.  All I can say is that .... I've seen
>all types ... and man o' man the excuses I hear!!  I think I will publish
>them sometime :-)

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