Kate wrote:
> but this to my mind is so different from
> TIPS...neighbors looking after each
> other is not at all like some delivery person
> on what THEY
> consider to be something suspicious in someone's
> home...not at all the same

I've stayed away from this discussion so far. But,
Kate, you've said it so well here. I agree completely
with you. I've seen the neighbors working together idea
work wonders, both to prevent crime and to protect the
environment. (A group of us even became a non-profit
organization. We educated others who lived in our
watershed about how to preserve the local pond from
further decay. We even took kids on field trips.)

Having someone enter your house for one purpose
(repairing something, for example) and judge what you
are doing isn't just creepy, I believe it's
unconstitutional. After all, wouldn't a police officer
need a warrant to do the same thing? (Sorry, I haven't
read all the posts so I'm probably repeating what
others have said.)

lots of love

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