Hello Joni Fans,

I'm a new subscriber to the list, although not new to Joni.  I was introduced 
to Joni in the early 70s by my cousin. She had a copy of Blue and after one 
listen I was hooked. I first saw her perform in 1976.  It was 1998 before I 
saw her again.  At that concert she performed Both Sides Now and it was 
probably the most moving performance of my life. In 2000 I was lucky enough 
to see her again.  

In the past 30 years I've never stopped listening to her music. Sometimes it 
takes me a few years to "catch up" with Joni and "catch on" to what she is 
doing.  A good example is Don Juan's Reckless Daughter, which was originally 
one of my least favorite recordings, and is now one of my favorites. 

I love her piano playing. She has received recognition for her unique style 
of playing guitar, but I think her piano playing is equally amazing.  My 
favorite album or song? That's kind of like asking a kid in a candy store 
what his favorite candy is.  This one and that one and oh yeah, that one and 
uh, this one.  I guess the albums from Blue to Hejira are what I think of as 
her best work. There isn't a single bad song or bad note on any of those 
recordings.  A better question is what Joni am I listening to lately. The 
opening chords of Edith and the Kingpin, the piano intro to Two Grey Rooms, 
the moments in Paprika Plains right before she sings, "...the rain 
retreats...",  Sire of Sorrows, Come in from the Cold....

I guess even I am amazed that after 30 years I can still get so much 
enjoyment from one artist's music.  I can listen to her music over and over 
and never grow tired of it. I hear and feel and see things in a song on the 
100th listen that I didn't on the 81st.  I wonder exactly how many times I 
have heard some of these songs.  

Her songs have become a way of mapping time for me. I can remember the first 
time I heard Chinese Cafe/Unchained Melody.  I was taking a nap in the middle 
of the day with the radio on and woke up to the sounds of Joni singing the 
Unchained Melody part of the song.  I knew the song very well and I knew that 
voice, but I didn't know the two together and it seemed like a dream.

I can remember who I was living with when Hejira came out. I can remember 
giving Miles of Aisle to someone for Christmas.  I can remember hearing Song 
for Sharon on the radio with a friend of mine who has long since died.  

One thing I've always wanted to hear more of from Joni is her vocalizations 
without words the way she does on Dida with Joan Baez, or on Love Poem with 
Tom Scott, or the way her voices intertwines with the instruments on  Rainy 
Night House from Miles of Aisles. I'd love to hear an entire CD's worth of 
Joni's voice as an instrument with her playing guitar and piano and a lot of 
woodwinds and reeds. 

I'm looking foward to reading what other people have to say about Joni 
Mitchell's music. Lately I've been on a quest to obtain every song I can that 
Joni appears on or has performed on other people's albums, like Dida/Joan 
Baez, If I Could/Seal, and Magdalene Laundries/The Chieftans.  I'd like to 
have a compilation CD of all of these songs.  Has anyone done anything like? 
If so, and you'd like to trade, I'd enjoy hearing from you. 


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