I didn't put NJC on this post, and you can kick me off the list if you want to Les.
BUT, I want all 852 people on this list to know: It's your frickin birthday Les Irvin!!!!!! If it wasn't for you Les, and all the hard work you do in keeping the JMDL going, where would we all be??? Heck, I'd only have one friend (my Mom), but thanks to you and this list, I have 2 friends. (Hi Mabel, Hi Tootsie) :~) Anyway, I thank you from the bottom of my gall bladder for keeping us together for all these years, for letting us know what happened in Joni history 4000 times in one day, and for being such a kind, wonderful, and talented man! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LES!!!! DBF Jimmy (waiting for Wally to resume his duties)