Here Here
Happy Fecking Birthday Les Irvin. I will throw an extra
shrimp pn the barby this afternoon in your honor. Have
a wonderful birthday! I am looking forward to playing
and visiting with you (s) un a couple weeks.




> I didn't put NJC on this post, and you can kick me off
> the list if you want 
> to Les.
> BUT, I want all 852 people on this list to know:
> It's your frickin birthday Les Irvin!!!!!!
> If it wasn't for you Les, and all the hard work you do
> in keeping the JMDL 
> going, where would we all be???  Heck, I'd only have
> one friend (my Mom), but 
> thanks to you and this list, I have 2 friends. (Hi
> Mabel, Hi Tootsie) :~)
> Anyway, I thank you from the bottom of my gall bladder
> for keeping us 
> together for all these years, for letting us know what
> happened in Joni 
> history 4000 times in one day, and for being such a
> kind, wonderful, and 
> talented man!
> DBF Jimmy (waiting for Wally to resume his duties)

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