**Indeed we did!  I was huffin' & puffin' but I made it to the top!!  
Walking back down was almost more difficult.**

This hike was SO MUCH FUN! It was Sunday afternoon, I was in a funk from not 
enough sleep and too many great stimulants, and the exercise was just what 
this boy needed. I thought it was going to be a leisurely stroll....WRONG! 
This was a very challenging hike, climbing up through mostly rocks on what 
was once a stream bed, to reach the summit with a beautiful view of the 

Most of the joy for me was getting the chance to talk one on one with Maggie, 
Patrick, Lieve, Lori, & Alex. It was great, and to help them down the 
mountain, I bored them all to tears with details of the covers project - 
lemme tell ya, they were sprintin'! :~D

I looked over that ledge at the top and got a sinking feeling in the pit of 
my belly. Lori danced along the edge like the 1/2 mile drop was nothing. 

So now you know it wasn't all decadence! :~)


NP: Bruce, "Lonesome Day"

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