<< So now you know it wasn't all decadence! :~) >>

There were mountains? 


I don't know, there was something wildly decadent about being in the
lush beauty of those Catskills -- even if we did have to break a sweat
to go there.  And yes, Smurf, there were mountains...the real kind.
Next year, you're leading the trek.

I have yet to gather my thoughts in a coherent fashion, and have not
posted anything of substance because others are doing such a fine job of
it, but each of us had our own experience of the time and many of us are
left speechless by the magic (there's that word again) of the weekend we
just lived.  I have tried to understand what made it so very, very
special, and where it came from. 

One thing I know for certain, it didn't come from nowhere (how's that
for a double negative?)  In the beginning, Les begat the JMDL, and Wally
begat JoniMitchelldotcom, and it was good.  And one by one the
passionate ones found these sites, and crossed from one to the other,
and lo it was good.  Then JulieZWebb opened up her heart and home and
invited people to leave their screens and keyboard and travel on down
(up, over) to Pennsylvania, and lo, it was very good.  But, neither
Ashara nor Maggie made that trek, and they were sorrowful when they
heard of the good times had by those who did.  And Ashara, wise, brave,
motherly Ashara said, whaddayathink?  And so the first New England
Jonifest was born, with the team of Chuck E., Ric, Heather and
KatyfromtheCape all doing their part to make it happen, and to make
Ashara feel safe in bravely opening up her heart and home to all who
would come.  And come they did -- some 25 strong. And each year, more
would come.  Some came each year, some came one year but not the next.
It was about music, amazing, beautiful music.  But it was about more,
and with each passing year it became more and more clear that it was
about community.

Now we are a tribe, gathering where ever and whenever we can.  We laugh,
cry, fight, fall in love, support, reprimand, respect and share the joys
and sorrows that life dishes out. 

This year built on the experiences and expectations of each of the
previous years, but a few things made it even more special.  Full Moon
made it more special - the setting, the opportunity to all stay together
(more or less), and the people who staff it.  Could they have been more
perfect?  I think not.

The marriage made it more special - that doesn't happen every day in a
family, you know.  I'm just waiting for the next step of our family
having a baby (not you, Mags -- I heard you loud and clear!!! lol!!!!).
The exponential growth of people who have found each other through JMDL
and one 'fest or another and are not letting go for anything, that adds
to that "bubble of love" as my colleague back at work called it (she
gets it!).  I was there with my beloved for the first time, so that gave
me an extra measure of love, but I know that I would have felt it

At dinner at Ric's the other night I asked Chuck, Ashara and Roberto for
their personal highlights and they were remarkably similar.  Mine?
Started with the first note on Saturday night and peaked with the song
circle.  As a non-performer I was sitting outside the circle (not that I
wouldn't have been made to feel welcome), and observed and clapped and
sang (out of tune, of course) and smiled, smiled, smiled and turned to
Bob Muller and said, "I am in love with every person in this room."
Yes, magic.  A spell was cast, and I'm still under it.

I send you all my love - even though I mostly lurk, my heart is with you
and I thank you for the hugs, the laughs, the songs, the smiles.  My
mouth is aching from the smiles and breaking from the separation.


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