My, my, that all went very well, didn't it?

Ashara, an inspired and unqualified success. The Full Moon is our spiritual
home hereafter. Congratulations to you and all those who helped you realise
this event.

Jonifest 2002 was excellent. In every possible way. It was community, party
and performance central. 

I haven't been to three (well, four really) days of music where I enjoyed it
so much and where everybody was so good.  Saturday night was amazing. Just

Personal Swoon favourites were:
Claudia Sans Soucie with her song co-written with John Van Tiel
Walt Breen's rendition of "I just have to breathe" from the Bacharach/David
Kate Bennett's Wolf Song
Marian's song co-written with Hell

Personal Oh-My-God favourites were:
Bryan Thomas's entire set
Giselle's entire set
Sherelle's entire set
(those guys burnt the house down!!!)

Blimey! Moments were:
Christina's singing
Marian's guitar playing

Hidden Sensational moment:
Claudia's song from the song writing workshop. I don't believe I've heard a
better song and sung so beautifully. No hyperbole either. There are times
when hearing something inspiring makes you want to take up your guitar and
play and sing. This was a moment when something was so good it really felt
like perhaps one shouldn't bother. :-) (I'm smiling as I write this)

Major thanks to Mike Paz and Chuck Eisenhardt for bringing all the
instruments and always being on hand for music. If no one else knew how to
play it, you could always count on those two.

The Full Moon resort is a perfect and, (thank God) bug free location. You
would not believe the stuff I carried with me to fend off attack. Bottles of
it! None used. Praise be. The place was just ideal as far as I was
concerned. The proprietors and all the people working there were really nice
and friendly. The weather was mostly good. Maybe it was the mood around the
place but even the deluge on Saturday added an almost cosy vibe to the place
- okay well maybe I'm pushing it a bit here.

I cannot wait to have the CDs of this entire event. Really, it was that
good. So collaborative too. The spaces and the timing of the performances
afforded plenty of chances to get together with people, work things out and
then to bring it to the stage.

On a more private note, I'd like to offer enormous  thanks to Christina
Friis-Nielsen and Chris Marshall for doing Dry Cleaner with me (I cannot
believe I got to sing with Christina - wait til you guys, who didn't get to
come, hear what she sounds like!) and additional heartfelt gratitude to
Roberto Holliston for transforming my own wee tune.

Anyone with the least notion to get up and sing their hearts out? Anyone who
wants just to be there for the fun and family of it? Jonifest is your home!
Be there next year.

Les (London)

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