It's certainly NOT for lack of material, I played #33 on the 
> porch at the Full Moon, so it's done. I'll give it the official release Oct. 
> 1. 

Speaking of Joni covers, I heard one of them from Bob's ever-growing collection 
yesterday.  Travis told me he had a surprise for me yesterday and while we were out & 
about he made a cell phone call to one of his co-workers, asking her if she had 
returned a video.  I wondered what the heck that was all about.  Later he made a point 
of driving to a small Asian grocery store (I thought we were looking for a video 
store).  We went in and he showed the woman at the counter a piece of paper with a 
name on it & told her he wanted to rent a video.  She told him that all of their 
videos were Filipino and that they didn't rent any English videos.  He told her that 
was fine.  When we got home he popped this video into the VCR.  It was a movie called 
'Magkapatid' starring Sharon Cuneta.  Over the credits what should I hear but Sharon 
Cuneta singing 'Both Sides Now.'  I figured the Covers King already had this one (I 
think Joseph Palis had talked about Sharon before) but I checked the da!
tabase anyway and sure enough, it was there.  Travis isn't a Joni fan but he heard his 
coworker humming BSN and asked her if she knew whose song that was.  She told him 
about the movie and he made sure I got a 'Joni moment' yesterday.

After reading all the fest reports, the color of my complexion is about that of the 
stuff good ol' Linda Blair earped up in 'The Exorcist.'  To hear Sherelle sing live 
would be a rare privilege indeed to me.  I already know the excellence of Marian 
Russell's guitar playing (and to hear & see the legendary Sue McNamara as well!  Wow!  
What a rush that must have been!), the amazing versatility of that butch guy Michael 
Paz on both guitar and keyboards, Chuck E's remarkable musicality and capability with 
equipment, Roberto's virtuoso tickling of the ivories, the top drawer talent of Bryan 
Thomas, not to mention Ashara's soul-stirring vocalizations (happy belated birthday, 
my beloved twin sister), Maggie's warmth that radiates like the sun or a blazing fire 
on a winter's night, Mr. Mueller's easy-going affability (can't comment on your 
singing, Bob, since you didn't do a set the year I attended Jonifest), Patrick's 
intelligence, Uncle John's perfect British accent and open-hande!
d generosity and oh so many other superlative positives in so many other people that I 
have had the privilege to meet and witness displaying their extraordinary talents.

On another note, I found Springstein's latest at Best Buy today for the amazingly low 
price of $10.99.  I have never bought a Springstein recording in my life and have 
never been a fan.  But I have read a few things about this particular release and felt 
that I needed to hear it.  Maybe some of Rose's enthusiasm rubbed off on me as well.

And I couldn't possibly end this post with a big, hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Mags & 
Brei!  I have met Brian and know what a sweet man he is.  Although I haven't met Mags 
(yet), I feel that I know her and it seems that the two of you must have been made for 
each other.  May you be blessed and know all happiness in your life together.  You 
deserve it!

Mark E in Seattle 

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