As we got into Spain, I had the worst experience of my life. It started
to rain a  little and then it started to rain a lot, and then it started
to rain so heavy I couldn't see. It grew dark and the a fierce elctrical
storm started. This lasted hours. My car was struck by lighening. the
battery died and the olights etc went off. as it was, all the lights
ouytside the car had gone too so we were driving in darkness. My lights
etc came back on very quicjkly, but outside it was still dark. I was
reall scared by this time. I manged to pull off the m/way.
Unfortunately, I chose a hill area to do this. I couldn't see. I parked
behind a building and we sat there for about hour. Lights came back on
around us, but the storm was still raging. The building I chosen to seek
shelter from strom turned out to be a petrol station!!!!!!
Anyway, we eventually foudn our way to Cardedeu and they had a blackout.
we got to our hotel which the lady we were visiting booked us into. it
was dreadful!!! The only food we could find to eat was Chinese.
the following mronign, we went to the house of the lady we had gone to
see. Beautiful home, beutifuyl lady and terrible dogs.I was soooo
disappointed. Not only were they bad examples of the breed, but not good
temepreed either(which is the FIRST consideration, always). I got bitten
on my left arm. The blackness has only just disappeared.
Patty took us to eat. the food was glorious. fish realltasted like fish.
I had squid and octopus. My olther being Spanish, I felt verry much at
home. The tlaking was loud and arms waved. Juct like me. No wonder Brits
think when i am excited that i am angry/agressive. Not at all. Just
Latin. It was great not to feel inhibited and have no one think I was
(by the way, veggies in France and Spain really tasted good. carrot
tasted like carrot).

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6


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