In a message dated 04/09/2002 10:37:15 GMT Daylight Time, 

> If you are German, please excuse the following. The Germans are quite
> mad. Their m/ways have NO speed limit!!!!!! I cannot understand why
> their roads are not littered with wrecks and dead people. 

Aha!  I have some experience about this, having lived in Germany for a year.  
I used to hitch-hike a lot while there, and did indeed travel at some pretty 
hair-raising speeds.  Once I was hitching with two friends (female - three 
blokes hitching together would NEVER get picked up!), and got picked up by a 
guy driving a large Merc.  At times he was touching 230km/h, which is about 
140mph - in the INSIDE lane!!  The thing was, I felt safe, as he was 
obviously in control of the car, and used the lanes properly, unlike in this 
country, where a lot of drivers have no clue how to use motorways.

You meet some great people hitch-hiking.  Shame nobody seems to do it any 

Azeem in London
NP: Eleni Mandell - Wishbone

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