>  The thing was, I felt safe, as he was
> obviously in control of the car, and used the lanes properly, unlike in this
> country, where a lot of drivers have no clue how to use motorways.

You must have been lucky. I ound the driving evrywhere we went to be ad, veven
woith speed limits. People juts pull out in front of you, no idicators, no road
manners. yes, we have drivers like thta in UK, but in Europe it is very
different. All of the countryies were drove in were the same in that respect.
The amount of very very near misses we saw. Cars juts pulling out in the fast
lane with no warning and into tuiny gaps, casuing everyoone behind to to brake.

Mind you, the trip also showed how much we are taken for a ride in the UK.
Service was exaclelnt, food was good, and cheap. Hotels were good and cheap. 3
stars hotels and none cost us more than 53 punds a night, with some costing only
25. When we looked in shops, evreything was cheaper then the UK, not just food
and fags. House prices were similar and so were salaries. i have a feeling the
Europeans just would take the crap we do.

I thinknit si the way we are brought up to not value ourselves enough.

Oh and the way children are treated!!!!! We saw many toddlers chucking fits. not
one of them was hit or shouted. they were comforted and soothed. unlike here
where they get yelled at and hit.
And in France, restaurants were full of dogs! yes, people took their dogs with
them. How civilised. Asw ell as they took their children.

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