> But personally, I do not like to see this...it belongs at
> home. Be it homosexual or heterosexual.

You know Bree, if we're talking about intimacy of the heavy make-out 
variety, I agree with you.  A few weeks ago I was walking across the 
platform at a train station and a man had his face buried in a woman's 
neck, and he was squeezing her ass ... I was grossed out, and I don't 
usually think of myself as a prude.

However ...

> *holding hands, hugging, this IS NOT what I'm referring to here

... most of the folks who object to displays of gay and lesbian 
affection ARE referring to holding hands and hugging.  Trust me, I've 
seen this reaction at least one hundred times over the 21 years I've 
been out.  But only in the U.S., where the citizens like to think of 
themselves as "advanced."  NOT in Europe, NOT in Asia, unless it was 
from American G.I.s.

It's a fucked up attitude, and it's terribly sad still that an "artist" 
in 2002 would tell ANYBODY to refrain from expressing affection at her 



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