> .
> ok, I'm done - what's next?

what's next? A workshop on sex acts at the next joniFest.  Taught by
willing volunteers.  Every JMDL member shows up.  Everyone gets busted,
but outstanding sing a long in the county jail that night.   Released on
cd, "American Idyll: Sex Acts, Recorded Live in Jail"" raises boucoup
bucks for JMDL and it is solvent forever.   Jimmy shows up with odd door
prizes for the JoniFest and gets a slightly longer sentence but after
the jail is surrounded by out on bond festers singing "I will Be
Released" over and over, Jimmy's sentence is reduced to time served.  In
all of this Bob Murphy is sole Fester never arrested; local constables
frightened of Ethel Merman as a smurf.  Bob Muller has a whole new theme
for covers, songs covered in jail, and when Joni hears of all this, she
laughs so long and loud she gets inspired to record an album of all new
material.  That spurs the release of the long rumored tribute album.   A
video is made of Joni's new single from new album with arrested sex acts
JMDLers, which is so popular on mTV it wins the MTV VMA Video of the
Year.  Moby swears as award is announced, and this time Eminem actually
punches him out.

Michelle Mayfield mean while is invited to appear on the 700 Club.  Pat
Robertson produces her next album and she wins the Dove awards and gets
invited to White House.  G W Bush says something inappropriate about
Texas lesbians.  Cheney suggests we bomb Texas lesbians as a pre-emptive
strike, this endorsed by Pat Robertson.  Cheney suggests bombing
JoniFest as preemptive strike, this endorsed by David Geffen.  Colin
Powell goes to JoniFest to negotiate peace and is so smitten by
Sherrel's (spelling?) singing that he becomes a JMDLer and is sacked by
administration.  In a surprise appointment, Marcel is appointed to
replace Powell, and surprises Bush after confirmation by smoking weed on
state Department lawn and kicking out some killer grooves.  Paz goes to
DC to join Marcel for  lawn performance, followed by Ashara, always in
charge of arrangements, and then followed by the rest of the JMDL.  The
spirit of the JMDL takes over DC.  The jet planes turn to butterflies
above the nations, the environment is saved before Bush has all the
trees logged down (trees causing fires, if you read his last logging

Lori Fye, since she already lives there, is made new president and world
peace comes, finally, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius as foresaw by
Wally and his fianci one night when they were doing star charts.

Michelle Mayfield takes the old Anita Bryant role of Orange Juice Lady
and  the Bushes retire to now lesbian free Texas (they have all been
appointed to government jobs in DC) and renew their opposition to global
warning since it is melting all the ice for their drinks.   Cheney
suggests bombing the Polar ice Cap to make it more ice cube size to help
the Bush daughters get the ice into small enough pieces for their
martini glasses.  Michael Yarbrough and I play the Eminem album with the
lines "fuck you Lynn Cheney" and the line about Cheney's heart problems,
and Dick Cheney, so scared by Eminem, retreats to his hidden lair under
the Appalachian mountains never to be seen again until the third Lord of
the Rings movie, where he is defeated by Frodo

. Lori appoints Paul as director of homeland security and he gets into
such verbal battles with non American terrorists that no one has time
for terrorism anymore, just one nasty email after another.  Kakki makes
martinis for all American terrorists, martinis being so good, they get
too drunk for terrorist acts.

And the moon is in the 7th house, Jupiter aligns with Mars, Joni speaks
to a joint session of Congress and made SIQUOMB of all America, which
really pisses off Judy Collins and Abril Lavigne and Alanis Morrasette,
but they are in the minority.  Les Irvin and Wally Breeze share Nobel
Peace Prize for bringing all these forces together.

The White House is painted pink and is now a boutique and a big yellow
taxi takes President Lori all over the world where she proclaims love
and the JMDL to everyone.  All the money saved by having no need for war
anymore goes to medical research.

That is what happens next.  It says so in Sunday's sermon.


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