<<River can make you cry.>>

Yes, and it usually always does for me, anyway...especially when I sing it,
I tend to feel it more.

Blue is not a Joni record that I bought immediately...Court & Spark was the
first, I didn't pick up Blue until the late 70's, BUT I had heard just
about every song on it as the Raleigh DJ had a major Joni jones & played
practically the whole record. Little Green was probably the only one I
heard for the first time after buying the record. It is an interesting mix
of songs, not as depressing as it gets labelled sometimes, it's just that
when it does get sad it's a POWERFUL sadness. (Blue, River) But it's more
of a rollercoaster ride; it makes you smile, think, cry...the whole gamut
of emotions.

Every song on the record is a classic as far as I'm concerned. And it's one
of the few Joni records where EVERY song has been covered.


NP: XTC, "Blue Beret" live 1989

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