<<A cover of "Woodstock" came on by "Matthew's Southern
Comfort" or some name like that - it was the worst piece of junk I have
heard in a long time - I wanted to smash the CD.>>

Well Dave, FWIW, it was to the UK what CSNY's cover was to the US - a huge
hit. I remember that even my sister had the 45 of the MSC version. And many
of the other Woodstocks I've uncovered were inspired by the MSC cover. But
as always, to each his own...in defense of your opinion, it is a bit dated
sounding now.

Now if you want to hear some truly horrid Joni covers, I CAN set you up.
I've done a "Sweet 16", but haven't caved yet to compiling a "Sour 16"! ;~)


NP: Keller Williams, "A Case Of You" (definitely on the sweet side!)

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