Sarah wrote:

> reading all of your posts, i still feel like a complete novice joniphile
>  - i would be really interested in what anyone thinks the next joni album
> i should add to the collection should be - so far , it consists of  LOTC,
> blue, THOSL, and hejira. oh, and clouds, but i can't get into that one
> too well for some reason.  

I know how you feel about being a novice, so I might not be the best to advice 
you. However, I just got "Don Juan's Reckless Daugther" a little while ago and 
I'm completely addicted to the album! It's got some beautifully arranged songs 
on it and is very varied (it's even got some jungle pieces!). I can also 
recommend "Court And Spark" with some great piano songs and a bit of jazz as 
well. The album has a nice flow all the way through it.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll see a lot of different answers to your 
can always try and check out the album poll on the JMDL-webpage.

Good luck exploring! :-)


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