colin wrote:

> I was deeply moved by your post. I understand that injustice you spoke of.
> One day those people will undertsand it too and feel shame.

You know, Colin, some of it was un-necessary (to me) bringing up of the past,
but maybe for them it was necessary because they are still working through
all that happened in those days -- that is why my feelings on it all were so
profoundly mixed -

as well, the comment that "I wish you were straight because I wish you would
marry my mother, you could make her happy, she needs someone like you, and I
wish you were my step-father, why can't you be straight" is the most
complimentary thing that that person could possibly offer me -

mixed, mixed feelings -

but a sense of being deeply accepted while at the same moment being made to
feel so very,, very different -

thanks for your words, Colin!


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