I don't see why this is an argument, colin.  If I witness someone on the
street beating their child, it is something I am observing in three
dimensional reality and not some construct that originated from within me.
Yes, love and hate reside in us an individuals but either orientation can
affect others outside of us or the "world at large."  The person beating the
child will affect me and might provoke me to step in and stop it, or yell at
the person, or call the police or evoke sadness and horror in me.  I can't
imagine watching someone hurting someone else and then saying to myself not
to recognize it as bad because it's all only within my own inner world
reality.  It seems you have agreed before that actions or love/hate
orientations arising from one can affect another, so we are ultimately
saying the same thing, I think.


> > I took this to mean that both love and hate exist in the world at large
> > (excluding for a moment one's inner world,
> love and hate do not exist in the world at large. they exist within us.

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