  OH MY GOD YOU GET IT! I am overwhelmed. You are
right on the money.  You said it so much better than
I. Am I gushing? Sorry:)

Kasey wrote:

>> I am truly happy for anyone that has had the experiences you have at
>> your fest.  Again I wish every one could have that, but not every one
>> wants it.  That is why some where between the love and hate comes the
>> medium.

I took this to mean that both love and hate exist in the world at large
(excluding for a moment one's inner world, which is hopefully filled with
love most of the time) and that, while I would assume most healthy people
are drawn towards love, they still are often unavoidably confronted with
hate which is usually irrational and underserved.  I think that the "medium"
you speak of might be that "sitting in the middle" area where one, not
swayed by either emotion, strives to realistically gauge how to deal with
hate.  Embracing hate with love may work sometimes, or it might get you
destroyed.   Both outcomes are possible.  It isn't easy sometimes to know
the best/wisest response.

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