kerry wrote:

> I just read Rolling Stone's latest interview with Joni and thought this part
> was strange:
> RS - Is that why the vocals on your new album sound so much more womanly and
> sexy?
> Joni - "Yeah, the soprano is a girly tone, just by the nature of it. You
> will notice American women -- because this is such a youth culture - speak
> unnecessarily high compared to women around the world.
> Second, I was wondering if any of the world travelers on this list have ever
> noticed a difference in the way women speak in different countries?  Maybe
> I'm naive, but I thought people basically speak in whatever voice they've
> been given.

I am astonished to read this! One thing i have laways thought about American and
Canadian women is that their voices are low compared to anywhere else! In fact I
recently spoke to a lister on the phone amnd made that very comment.
(It didn't occur to me that all American/Canadian women were lesbian.)
I am not sure I like Joni's comment about hair and lesbians really. Leaves a bad

> Kerry

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