On 3 Nov 2002 at 21:34, dsk wrote:

> I don't believe I've said that the Republicans are solely responsible
> for the current tax system, although it's apparently the way my posts
> have across to you, and perhaps my pro-Democratic bias is showing
> itself more clearly than I realize. At this point, my head is spinning
> about all this stuff. Since you keep misconstruing (from my point of
> view) what I originally said, your pro-Republican bias seems pretty
> healthy, too. I'm not complaining about that and think it's good
> always to try to see another view.

I apologize if you think or anyone else thinks I have misconstrued what you originally 
said.  I was simply trying to take things one step further in light of the overall 

It's not that I think you said that the Republicans are solely responsible for the 
current tax system.  I wasn't pointing to those things in order to refute that as some 
kind of "construed" point, but to say that although "lower taxes" is a part of the 
Republican platform (words) both parties use taxes to their benefit in terms of 
the hands that feed them (action).  It's the reason why I believe you won't see a 
serious Democratic effort to remove any significant bit of the tax code that gives 
people the tax breaks you're referring to (again, the exchange funds are another 

I don't think you've shown a pro-Democratic bias, but an anti-Republican one.  And 
I'm not really interested in countering that with a pro-Republican bias, so much as I 
am striving to bring things back to the middle.

I don't actually think that I have a pro-Republican bias.  If you look back at most of 
my posts on this topic and others, I think you will find a common thread - I believe 
the parties are very similar on a few issues when it comes to their actions and the 
end result.  And that the only way we, as Americans can change the result is to find 
the things we have in common, no matter what our party affiliation or political bent.


Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.

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