> As far as abortion goes, you can make the mistake of getting pregnant
> once and get it aborted (if you must). Make the mistake twice and
> that person needs to get SNIPPED.

William, you just struck a loud chord, but the resulting sound is not 

So a woman who is not receiving welfare is responsibly using 
contraception -- which would indicate to me that she either does not 
want or is not ready to raise a child -- and gets pregnant more than 
once and chooses to abort more than once, and she should elect 

Even the most reliable methods of birth control are not 100% effective, 
and condoms can have pinholes or break altogether.

Why is it that hardly anyone ever suggests that it's MEN who 
should "get SNIPPED?"  Seems to me THAT option might be beneficial in 
lots of other scenarios, including reducing aggressive behavior.



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