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Full-name: Warrenkeith91354
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 14:00:02 EST
Subject: Meanie! Joni Mitchell Talks Trash
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hey gang ! thought you might enjoy this item from compuserve...
Meanie! Joni Mitchell Talks Trash

By Cathryn Conroy, CompuServe News Editor
Here's the big takeaway from Joni Mitchell's bombshell interview with W 
magazine: She can't stand Madonna. New York Post Page Six gossip columnist 
Richard Johnson got an advance copy of the interview in which sweet Joni gets 
nasty. Real nasty. "Madonna has knocked the importance of talent out of the 
arena," Mitchell said in the W interview. "She's manufactured. She's made a 
lot of money and become the biggest star in the world by hiring the right 
people." Joni also doesn't much care for David Letterman, saying: "Letterman 
treats musicians like the armpit of the [entertainment] industry. He tags you 
on at the end [of his television show], never talks to you--while he talks to 
the dimmest actress." 
Page Six contacted the representatives of both Madonna and Dave to find out 
what they think, and they both said the exact same thing: "The feeling isn't 
mutual." Joni is on a rampage. She says she's leaving the music industry 
forever because the "business is repugnant to me" and "most corrupt." She 
DOES like David Geffen, whom she described as "almost like my mother...I'm 
fond of David. Though I don't know why." She accuses pop singers today of 
cheating. "The artists don't have to play anything. They can cheat, buy 
songs, and put their name on them, so they can build the illusion that they 
are creative," Joni told W. 

noticing increasing joni press,
warren keith

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