Thank you very much Moni for these links.

I am listening now. i ahev heard Slouching, Circle Game, Cherokee Louise and
I am very surprised. i really like these so far and will buy Travelogue. This is
perfect drak room or bed music. Nice and relaxing and the sort of stuff you can
really listen to and absorb.

Now when i heard BSN was coming, I wrote and said I couldn't imagine it would
work as i feel Joni cannot sing now. I bought the cd anyway and ;istened twice
and put it away, opinion not changed. So i was not looking forward to this
Travelogue. I am so pleased to able pre hear this and hear that I was would have
wrong to ignore it. Her voice is not what it was but it works on these. I think
her voice works on TT and TI and NRH etc.
It still doesn't work for me on BSN.

Mind you these songs are not helping my mood! My poor Aysha has just had major
surgery to remove an 8" stick from her stomach andJohn is away in Delhi and I
feel lonely and want a cuddle.

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