In a message dated 11/8/2002 4:46:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I shudder to think how fine these will sound 
> through my home speakers.

This is one the MAIN thing that struck me as SO NICE about much as I 
DON'T care for the synthetic sounds on CMIARS, DED & TTT, this one is pure 
REAL! Not a "Fairlight Oboe" to be found, just genuine oboes, and other 
woodwinds, and strings, and horns, and keyboards - not programmed, but played 
by some of the best in the biz! Whatever else is said about it IS sonically a 
wonderful thing to behold. It almost feels like a concert, like the whole 
thing was recorded live in one take. And Joni's vocals don't feel as buried 
as they were on BSN. (Colin, I agree with you and still cannot jive with BSN)

So shudder away...


NP: Rachel Z Trio, "Free Man In Paris" (even better still!)

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