Bree writes:
<< She has sang some pretty decent pop songs...many like Mack
  Why Joni should you be worried about mediocre Madonna? >>
Bree correction:

Correcting my poor english here: She has *sung* some pretty decent pop songs.. My sixth grade English teacher Sister Mary Cleophas a.k.a. Roachface is turning over in her grave about now.

Yeah, Joni, lighten up! It's DANCE music, for pete's sake!

As many of you know, I work as a stripper in a gay bar on weekends. I am very
happy whenever the DJ spins a Madonna tune, and patrons are always praising
the dances I perform for her songs. I have a "Ray of Light" routine that's
spectacular, if I say so myself. My gold lame jock strap always gets stuffed
with lots of big bucks when I dance to Madonna.
LOL!! I had heard the rumor..but was afraid to ask was it true. Maybe a routine at the fest?


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