Kakki wrote:

> It's hard for me to even describe the way it affects me.  For a long
> time Joni fan it will be like experiencing an exquisite and magical
> reincarnation of all those first listens long ago.  The orchestration
> IMO is a huge part of its magic.  Brilliant and original.

Yes, Kakki!  All of the above.  I don't have the CDs yet but I've 
listened to a few cuts so far (and thank you again, Moni!!) and I'm IN 
LOVE with it already.

The only way *I* can describe this album is to say that it affects me 
the same way "Man From Mars" does:  it causes some sort of not-
unpleasant heaviness in my heart, and it makes me want to cry.

Maybe it's partly because I have a feeling this album IS Joni's "swan 
song," at least in terms of commercial releases.  Which is sad and fine 
at the same time.

As for Joni's voice, I love the smokiness.  So jazzy.  As for how it's 
gotten that way, yeah there are the ciggies to bemoan, but you know ... 
whatever makes Joni happy makes me happy for her.  She deserves 
happiness.  (Don't we all?)


NP:  "Circle Game" -- OMG!  How delicious!!


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