Ashara wrote:

> Stephen (from Vancouver/Topsfield) and I just went out to get two official 
> copies of Travelogue, and immediately threw the enhanced CD into the 
> computer. This is SOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :-D  
> What 
> fun to have her paintings shown in a gallery-like formula! This CD set is 
> worth EVERY penny IMHO.

Oh the enhanced CD is GREAT.  The first thing when I got home was to put disk 
1 in the computer.  "Refuge of the Roads" comes on and you get to see more 
wonderful Joni painitings, all of the lyrics, credits, contacts (and yes they 
have a link to alright Jim Johanson!!!!).  I'm hoping that 
someone ah hum (KAKKI), can identify one of the portraits on the cd.  I'm 
pretty sure the girl is Kilauren, but who is the man with her?  Donald Freed? 
 I know it's not the guy she was with in Toronto.

Okay, now on to the big stereo system to listen to it ALL!!!


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