> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 03:43:43 -0500
> Subject: Re: NY Post Gossip Column on Joni's birthday!!

>         I finally began to like Madonna after seeing Evita and hearing
> Ray Of Light.
>         But when I saw that Larry King interview with Madonna a few weeks
> ago I wanted to vomit!
>         The boy-toy-turned-guru had the NERVE to lecture Jews and
> Christians that they have it all wrong and that SHE has found "the truth"
> which predates Judaism. Sorry Madonna but the Kabballa doesn't predate
> Moses or even Jesus.
>         Larry King just smiled unbelievably and I don't blame him for not
> pursuing the topic further

No comment on Madonna (I'm not a fan) nor on Joni's comments about her
(haven't read them).

I just would like to say that the Kabbala that is being referred to here is
a sect IMHO, based in NYC with branches in L.A., Paris, etc.  I know because
my sister has been a member for the past 12 years or so, and when she went
to NYC last september for the jewish new year, Madonna was an attendee.

That being said, one should not confuse this sect, which is in no way
recognized by orthodox Jews, and the Kaballah.  The over-simplification of
the kaballah concepts by this sect is typical of members making such dumb
statements on Larry King or elsewhere.


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